About Us

About Iceprogram

Our aim is to Provide free Computer Education

Welcome to Intergenerational Computer Education! Our vision is to empower individuals of all ages to thrive in the digital world through intergenerational education and training, and to create a more inclusive and connected society.

Our mission is to provide high-quality computer education and training to people of all ages and backgrounds, with the goal of promoting the importance of computer literacy and creating a more technologically literate and connected society.

Founded in [year], Intergenerational Computer Education is dedicated to providing educational opportunities that help people of all ages and backgrounds succeed in the digital world. Through our programs, we aim to bridge the age gap and bring together high school students and elderly individuals through collaborative learning experiences.

Our programs are guided by the values of inclusivity, accessibility, and excellence. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and grow through technology, and that age is no barrier to personal growth and development. Our team is made up of dedicated educators and technology professionals who are passionate about helping others succeed. Thank you for visiting our website and learning more about Intergenerational Computer Education. We hope that you will consider supporting our mission and joining us in our efforts to create a more inclusive and connected society through education and technology.

Executive Summary

Our goal is to create a more inclusive and connected society by providing computer education and training to people of all ages and backgrounds.


We are dedicated to empowering individuals of all ages to succeed in the digital world through intergenerational education and training, and to creating a more inclusive and connected society through collaborative learning experiences.

Intergenerational Computer Education is a nonprofit organization that provides high-quality computer education and training to people of all ages and backgrounds, with the goal of promoting the importance of computer literacy and creating a more technologically literate and connected society. Our programs are directed at to bridging the age gap and bring together high school students and elderly individuals through collaborative learning experiences.

Our target market is high school students and elderly individuals in the Chicago area who are interested in learning more about computer technology and gaining new skills. We plan to offer a variety of education and training programs, including basic computer skills training for the elderly, advanced computer training for high school students, and workshops on topics such as cyber security, software development, and data analysis.

To reach our target market, we plan to promote our programs through a variety of channels, including our website and social media accounts, partnerships with local schools and community organizations, and targeted advertising. Our programs will be delivered in-person at our facility in Chicago, which will be open to the public during school hours to work on resumes, do research and print documents and will be dedicated to training the elderly on computer fundamentals. After children get out of school the facility will be used for computer training with the high school students.


We plan to generate revenue through tuition and fees for our programs, as well as through grants and donations. We will secure initial funding through a grants and will be seeking additional funding sources to support the growth and expansion of our program. Our financial projections show that our program will be financially sustainable and will have a positive impact on the community.

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